Saturday, June 26, 2010

cracked ice never looked so good

 I was surfing the internet this morning looking for ideas to renovate a diner I like downtown. It has so much potential but trapped in between the 70's and 80's with a splash of 90's. If only the owners would renovate...this baby could be good! Their fight is that not enough business comes as it is to justify renovations BUT like in the movie Field of Dreams, I say that if you build it they will come.

I love old vinyl and reproduction "old" vinyl is even better because it's not falling apart. That's why I like Here's what you can choose from to redecorate your diner....

Cracked Ice Red Vinyl

Cracked Ice Grey Vinyl
and imagine if you had the tables to match....beautiful!

Cracked Ice Yellow Vinyl

For those of you with a wilder imagination you might opt for something along the lines of these....

Zodiac Burgandy

Zodiac Gold

Zodiac Silver